Сексуалният тормоз на работното място има различни форми и може да се прояви както от страна на колега, така и от човек, който е по-високо в йерархията на предприятието или от клиент. Прилагането на методи за предотвратяване и справяне с това явление изисква комбинирани усилия и общи политики и практики.
TEAMWORK е европейска инициатива, която се фокусира върху засилване на борбата срещу сексуалния тормоз на работното място, като дава възможност на HR специалисти и мениджъри да разпознават, предотвратяват и да се справят с тези случаи, като целта е да се създаде култура на нулева толерантност към това явление.
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, situated in Athens, is a non-profit organization, founded in 1977, with extensive experience in supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Its vision is a world that rests on integrity, sustainable growth and individual well-being. Alongside with direct provision of social services (mental health, trafficking, bullying, poverty) its expertise pertains to the design and implementation of impactful and innovative social initiatives in the areas of Education, Human Rights, Employment, Care and Wellbeing and to Scientific Research and development of know-how in social policy issues, aiming to build resilient communities with equal opportunities for all. During the last 15 years, KMOP has implemented more than 280 international projects and more than 200 national projects, supporting 20,000 beneficiaries. KMOP is the Project Coordinator of TEAMWORK and responsible for the dissemination and communication activities of the project.
For more information visit www.kmop.gr
SURT is a feminist foundation based in Barcelona, working with women and for women since 1993.
SURT is committed to women in the effort to build a society with gender equality, free of gender-based violence. The association works to make the economic, social and cultural rights of women effective.
It is focused on supporting women’s empowerment, fostering their autonomy and leadership. To achieve this, SURT works in the following fields: economic empowerment, personal empowerment, community-based empowerment and socio-political empowerment.
SURT has ample experience on research, prevention and intervention in gender-based violence and gender discrimination in the public and private spheres.
For more information visit www.surt.org
Oxfam is an International Confederation of 20 organizations working together with partners and local communities in more than 90 countries. Oxfam vision is a just world without poverty, where people are valued and treated equally, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and can influence decisions affecting their lives.
Oxfam Italia is engaged in domestic and international programs to support most vulnerable people in emergency (migration crisis and natural disaster) especially addressing food security, secure shelters and access to safe and clean water. Oxfam Italia implements national and international projects with partners and Institutions to respond to gender based violence and to empower women and girls so they can have equal access to opportunities and rights. The Organization promotes access to education and social participation of youths and runs advocacy campaigns at National and International level to fight against poverty.
Since 2018, Oxfam Italia has implemented a safeguarding system to ensure the protection and response of abuse and mistreatment of employees, volunteers, beneficiaries and partners.
For more information visit www.oxfamitalia.org
Center for Sustainable Communities Development is an independent, non-governmental organization in public benefit, founded in 1994 by active professional women under the name Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation. It has won recognition as an Advocacy group working to:
For more information visit www.cscd-bg.org
The Adecco Group is the world leader in human resource solutions, with a comprehensive service offering that includes temporary & contract staffing, outsourcing, permanent recruitment, outplacement and career services, training and consulting. Adecco group takes the opportunity to make a positive impact on the success and well-being of individuals, families and societies and decides to encourage the inclusion into the workforce and society of disadvantaged people.
Adecco Training Italy (Mylia), 100% The Adecco Group is in charge for the eu funding activities at group level, acting as a reference point for analysis, consultancy and projects design in the field of innovation, employability, and digital skills. Thanks to the EU-funding activities, the Group acquires a European position
Among the topics addressed by recent projects are:
For more information visit www.adecco.it